Bilston Watershed Habitat Protection Association
Minutes of Annual General Meeting, April 16, 1998
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. at St. Marys Anglican Church Hall, at 4125 Metchosin road.
-President Kym Hill presented the agenda, which was then accepted.
-Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 1997 were read by Secretary Ian McKenzie and accepted as presented.
Treasurer David Houseman then presented -The Treasurers Report. This was accepted as presented.
Ian McKenzie gave -The Secretarys report. This summarized the activities of the previous year. Highlights were the work done at the Winter road site, Martin Brook spawning enhancement work, Scotts Pond, the Katimavik assistance and the progress of the World Wide Web site.
Kym Hill then gave -The Presidents report. Though we have had successes in some areas, others seem fruitless. In particular is the great efforts put in to have Langford join in with the Bilston Watershed Plan. As much as we try, they will not be a part of the planning process and continue to leave the residents of Happy Valley to ride out each years flooding events. It would seem that we should change tactics with Langford and concentrate on other activities, which will produce benefits for the stream.
-The chair was then given over to Rick Worral, and the Elections for Directors for 1998 was then conducted. No new names were put forward and the previous Directors were willing to continue. The Directors for 1998 are, Kym Hill, David Houseman, Bernie Morris, Cal Webb, and Ian McKenzie, by acclamation.
-Break for coffee and cookies.
-After the break, Don Lowen, Education Consultant for the Bilston Action Plan, gave us a talk on how the fisheries education is being presented to the local elementary and secondary schools. He described the field trips organized to visit various locations in the Bilston System and what the children were shown. For the elementary grades the comparison with a house where the fish have trees and shade as a roof was quite meaningful. In the classroom, incubators were set up with eggs donated by a hatchery. The children looked after the fry for some weeks, and once big enough took them to Blinkhorn Lake and released them. The program has apparently been very successful in giving the children an awareness of the fisheries in their own backyard as many were familiar with the places visited, but didnt know till then what was really there.
-After discussion between Don and the audience, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30.
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